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About Us

At Sammivik, we lead with animation that transforms complex ideas into engaging stories, specially crafted for your target audience. Our dedication to animation means we deliver content that not only educates but resonates deeply, making information both accessible and compelling.

Our expertise allows us to create animations that effectively communicate across cultural and linguistic lines, tailored specifically to meet your needs. In today's digital landscape, we commit to producing work that has a meaningful impact, is inclusive, and directly reaches the people you want to engage.

Join us in a journey where creativity and technology come together, creating stories that inspire action and deliver results.

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Mona Koch Madsen

CEO and Founder of Sammivik Consultancy ApS. Mona is a Healthcare Management Specialist from Nuuk, Greenland who has extensive knowledge and experience in health systems strengthening. She holds a master’s degree in health economics, policy, and management and a master’s degree in intensive care nursing. Prior to the foundation of Sammivik Consultancy ApS, she worked as an intensive care nurse and has her latest expertise from working several years as a Healthcare Consultant at the Ministry of Health in Greenland in the department for strategy & planning.

Meet The Team



Animation artist who loves to tell stories with pictures, a passion for creating worlds that are beautiful, enjoys exploring new techniques and pushing the boundaries of animation.

  • DeviantArt


An artist that with his art will touch the lives of others in a positive way. Believes that art can be used as a powerful force for good.

  • Instagram


An incredible consultant who can bridge different languages and cultures easily and seamlessly - she is a true asset to any organisation!

  • LinkedIn


With the ambition to revolutionise the technological landscape, he is driven to create dynamic solutions that can bring positive transformation.

  • LinkedIn
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